PCC Geriatric Specialist-55+ MAGAZINE-Writer-Publisher-Business Consultant-Musician-
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PCC Geriatric Specialist-55+ MAGAZINE-Writer-Publisher-Business Consultant-Musician-
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Rid your home and other physical spaces of negative energy due to death, divorce, bankruptcy or any other problems.
We are Certified Energy Healers and Sound Healer Practitioners in the art of Home, Office, Business, Real Estate House Cleansing and other Earth-Based Energy Work.
All Materials and Supplies are included and provided by Practitioners.
(Our sessions are about 2 hours and include 2 Certified Energy and Sound Healer Practitioners).
Ceremonies are actions that focus our intentions and bring us more into harmony with the forces of the universe. They are a way of celebrating or asking for help. We all have our morning rituals, the morning cup of coffee, reading the paper, walking the dog or getting the kids off to school. Most people still yearn for rituals that appeal to the forces of nature and spirit. In days gone by, we worshiped that way. Rituals appeal to something deep inside of us and we feel better after we have participated in them. Rituals have a great spiritual cleansing effect on us and our environments, because they touch and inspire those parts of our nature, of which we are not ordinarily aware.
All of our ceremonies are performed with the utmost integrity. We work with you to help you focus your intentions on whatever it is that you are celebrating, desiring to accomplish or release. We use the four directions and four elements (water, earth, fire and air) in our ceremonies. These energies help us bring rituals and ceremonies to life.
Ceremonies can be customized for any occasion, large or small, individual or group.
Types of Ceremonies:
Ground Breaking Ceremonies, Loss & Grief Ceremonies,
House Blessing Ceremonies,
Releasing Ceremonies, New Business Ceremonies,
Moving in Ceremonies,
Fire Ceremonies and Product Launch Ceremonies.
CALL 954 961 5223 to set up an Appointment
Las ceremonias enfocan nuestras intenciones y nos ponen más en armonía con las fuerzas del universo. Son una forma de celebrar o pedir ayuda. Todos tenemos nuestros rituales matutinos, la taza de café de la mañana, leer el periódico, pasear al perro o llevar a los niños a la escuela. La mayoría de la gente todavía anhela rituales que apelen a las fuerzas de la naturaleza y el espíritu, porque en los días pasados adorábamos de esa manera. Los rituales apelan a algo profundo dentro de nosotros y nos sentimos mejor después de haber participado en ellos. Los rituales tienen un gran efecto de limpieza espiritual en nosotros y en nuestro entorno, porque tocan e inspiran aquellas partes de nuestra naturaleza de las que normalmente no somos conscientes.
Trabajamos con usted para ayudarlo a enfocar sus intenciones en lo que sea que esté celebrando, deseando lograr o liberando. Usamos las cuatro direcciones y los cuatro elementos (agua, tierra, fuego y aire) en nuestras ceremonias, ya que dentro de estos están los poderes de todos los seres vivos, minerales, vegetales, animales y humanos. Estas energías nos ayudan a dar vida a los rituales y ceremonias.
Las ceremonias se pueden personalizar para cualquier ocasión, grande o pequeña, individual o grupal.
Tipos de ceremonias:
Ceremonias de Nuevos Comienzos - Ceremonias de pérdida y duelo - Ceremonias de Bendición de la casa
Ceremonias de lanzamiento Ceremonia de nuevos negocios - Ceremonias de fuego Ceremonias de lanzamiento de productos
Para un Cita Llamar al 954 961 5223
A Home Cleansing includes investigation of the home for Earth Energies and Lower Energies. Also, we will look for other energies which can include: divorce, death, trauma, attachments and other types of negative thought forms.
This cleansing will assist us in the setting of new intentions for your new home and a fresh start.
We will then b
A Home Cleansing includes investigation of the home for Earth Energies and Lower Energies. Also, we will look for other energies which can include: divorce, death, trauma, attachments and other types of negative thought forms.
This cleansing will assist us in the setting of new intentions for your new home and a fresh start.
We will then balance the home with Sound and other Energy Techniques.
This will leave your home feeling clean, balanced and full of fresh new Energy.
This cleansing could include correcting Energy Vortexes, removing Low Energies or predecessor energies.
This includes the setting of intentions for your new or current business and a releasing ceremony for a fresh start.
We will then balance the space with Sound and other Energy Techniques. Spells for healthy business and success will be
This cleansing could include correcting Energy Vortexes, removing Low Energies or predecessor energies.
This includes the setting of intentions for your new or current business and a releasing ceremony for a fresh start.
We will then balance the space with Sound and other Energy Techniques. Spells for healthy business and success will be performed.
This will leave your office feeling clean, balanced and full of fresh new energy, attracting new and grounded businesses.
Special Real Estate Space Cleansing for agents $250.00
This is offered to Licensed Real Estate Agents for enhancing property sales potential or removing negative energies.
This is usually about 1 1/2 hours
Usually without owners present in an empty house.